
Welcome to Drapers Mills Primary Academy
At Drapers Mills Primary Academy we expect good attendance and punctuality.
Good Attendance gives children every opportunity to influence their future quality of life and reach their full potential.

Curriculum Overview
We have a bespoke curriculum at Drapers Mills Primary Academy.
We believe our curriculum allows children to shape their futures by developing resilience, respect, as well as, understanding themselves as individuals and encouraging them to aspire to achieve.

Facebook feed

Please follow this link for information about our Easter Bonnet Competition. Моля, следвайте тази връзка за информация относно нашия Великденски конкурс за бонети. Informace o naší soutěži o velikonoční čepici naleznete na tomto odkazu. Ak chcete získať informácie o našej súťaži o veľkonočnú čepeľ, kliknite na tento odkaz. https://amz.cx/3Moc
Drapers Mills Primary

Drapers Mills attendance was 95% yesterday, a new record! Thank you to all parents and children for making an amazing effort to improve attendance. There are new treats for Fridays attendance mountain winners and the attendance shop is restocked with lots of new toys and goodies 😁 🥳
Drapers Mills Primary

After the recent Netflix programme Adolescence it was apparent how children use emojis to have full conversations with each other, without adults being aware of what is being said. Please see a number of posters that highlight the meanings behind them. Please understand that context matters and that the meaning of the emoji can vary based on the conversation. It is essential to consider the surrounding text, previous messages and relationships between the people communicating.
Drapers Mills Primary

🌌✨ Dive into the World of Pandora! ✨🌌 Our brilliant Year 6 students have taken us on an incredible journey with their non-chronological reports all about the mesmerizing planet of Pandora! 🌿💙 From its breathtaking bioluminescent flora to the incredible creatures that roam its lush landscapes, our young explorers have crafted non-chronological reports that are bursting with fascinating facts and imaginative insights. 🦋🌿 📚✨ Here’s a sneak peek at what they’ve discovered: ▪️The vibrant ecosystems that thrive in Pandora’s floating mountains ▪️The unique Na’vi culture and their connection to nature ▪️The stunning wildlife, including the majestic Banshees and playful Hexapods Join us in celebrating their hard work and creativity! 🥳 We can’t wait to share more of their amazing work with you. They are all working so hard and Mrs Bryant and Miss Davies couldn't be prouder! 🌟💫
Drapers Mills Primary

On Wednesday 19th March, our Year 5/6 boys took part in the annual TKAT football league at Newlands Primary School. They competed against other schools in our region, hoping for qualification to the 'Finals Day' held at Leyton Orient. Despite 2 strong draws from the Drapers Mills team they were beaten in the final game and came third overall. Well done boys and good luck to the girls who are competing this week!
Drapers Mills Primary

Lesson 3 🎨✨ Using everyday objects as 3D art 🎨✨ Inspired by creative pieces like the Alligator Banquet Armchair and Composition-Turtle and Ladder, we worked in groups to transform classroom items by adding surprises, rearranging them, and thinking BIG! 🤯 After creating our installations, we shared our masterpieces and discussed the ideas behind them. It was a fun and inspiring way to show that art is everywhere! 🖼️🙌
Drapers Mills Primary

Good attendance gives children every opportunity to influence their future quality of life and reach their full potential. https://www.drapersmills-tkat.org/children/attendance Dobrá docházka dává dětem každou příležitost ovlivnit svou budoucí kvalitu života a dosáhnout svého plného potenciálu. https://www.drapersmills-tkat.org/children/attendance Dobrá dochádzka dáva deťom každú príležitosť ovplyvniť svoju budúcu kvalitu života a naplno využiť svoj potenciál. https://www.drapersmills-tkat.org/children/attendance Доброто посещаемост дава на децата всяка възможност да повлияят на бъдещото си качество на живот и да разгърнат пълния си потенциал. https://www.drapersmills-tkat.org/children/attendance
Drapers Mills Primary

Lesson 2 🎨✨ Exploring Installation in Year 5 Art ✨🎨 This term, our Year 5 students took on the exciting challenge of creating their own installation art models! Inspired by the work of Cai Guo-Qiang, they explored how scale and space transform artwork. Working in teams, they designed stencils, experimented with different materials, and used creative techniques to produce mini explosion-effect installations inside cardboard boxes. The results were incredible! 🔥💡 Through this hands-on project, the children developed their teamwork, problem-solving, and artistic skills, all while having so much fun! Check out their amazing work and creativity! 🌟👏
Drapers Mills Primary

We are a nut free school. We have children in the school with severe allergies. Please check carefully the items you are sending to school in your child's lunch. Items that you may not realise contain nuts include Kinder Buenos, breakfast bars and chocolate spread. Thank you for your help to make Drapers a safe place for all our children! Ние сме училище без ядки. В училището имаме деца с тежки алергии. Моля, проверете внимателно артикулите, които изпращате на училище в обяда на вашето дете. Елементите, за които може би не подозирате, че съдържат ядки, включват Kinder Buenos, блокчета за закуска и шоколадова мазнина. Благодарим ви за помощта да направим Drapers безопасно място за всички наши деца! Jsme škola bez ořechů. Ve škole máme děti s těžkými alergiemi. Pečlivě zkontrolujte věci, které posíláte do školy v obědě vašeho dítěte. Položky, o kterých si možná neuvědomujete, že obsahují ořechy, zahrnují Kinder Buenos, snídaňové tyčinky a čokoládovou pomazánku. Děkujeme za vaši pomoc, aby se Drapers stalo bezpečným místem pro všechny naše děti! Sme škola bez orechov. V škole máme deti s ťažkými alergiami. Pozorne skontrolujte položky, ktoré posielate do školy v obede vášho dieťaťa. Položky, o ktorých si možno neuvedomujete, že obsahujú orechy, zahŕňajú Kinder Buenos, raňajkové tyčinky a čokoládovú nátierku. Ďakujeme za vašu pomoc, aby sa Drapers stalo bezpečným miestom pre všetky naše deti!
Drapers Mills Primary

Water Resistance – 🚀💦 How Does Water Resistance Affect Movement? 🌊🔬 Our young scientists took the plunge into an exciting investigation! They explored how water resistance affects the movement of different shapes through water. Using plasticine, they moulded and tested a cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere, timing how quickly each shape sank. What did they discover? Shapes with streamlined designs, like the cone and sphere, moved faster through water, while blockier shapes, like the cube, faced more resistance and sank slower. 🌟 This hands-on experiment helped them understand how water resistance slows objects down—just like how fish and submarines are designed to glide smoothly through water! It’s been an amazing term of scientific discovery and problem-solving!
Drapers Mills Primary

We would love to invite all parents to 'Share the Learning' this Friday 28th March. Gates will open at 2.30 and will close at 3pm. We can't wait to share our learning with you. Rádi bychom pozvali všechny rodiče, aby tento pátek 28. března 'Sdíleli učení'. Brány se otevřou ve 14:30 a zavřou se v 15:00. Nemůžeme se dočkat, až se s vámi podělíme o naše učení. Ще се радваме да поканим всички родители на „Споделете наученото“ този петък, 28 март. Портите ще се отварят в 2.30 и ще затварят в 15:00. Нямаме търпение да споделим нашето обучение с вас. Radi by sme pozvali všetkých rodičov na 'Share the Learning' už tento piatok 28. marca. Brány sa otvoria o 14:30 a zatvoria sa o 15:30. Nemôžeme sa dočkať, až sa s vami podelíme o naše učenie.
Drapers Mills Primary

🦗✨ Year 6 Non-Chronological Reports: Meet the Hexapods! ✨🦗 Year 6 students in Mrs Bryant's and Miss Davies' writing group have been working on an exciting non-chronological report based on the fascinating planet Pandora, where they created their very own "Hexapods" – unique creatures with 6 limbs! 🐾🦎 They've designed some incredible Hexapods from towering beasts to tiny, quick-moving critters, their creativity knows no bounds. They have certainly brought Pandora to life with their work so far! We can't wait to show you their final reports - keep your eyes peeled. Check out some of the incredible creations below. Which is your favourite? 🌍📚
Drapers Mills Primary

Please follow this link for information about our Easter Bonnet Competition. Моля, следвайте тази връзка за информация относно нашия Великденски конкурс за бонети. Informace o naší soutěži o velikonoční čepici naleznete na tomto odkazu. Ak chcete získať informácie o našej súťaži o veľkonočnú čepeľ, kliknite na tento odkaz. https://amz.cx/3Moc
Drapers Mills Primary