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At Drapers Mills Primary Academy we expect good attendance and punctuality.
Our aim is for 100% attendance and punctuality.
Registration closes at 9.10am- any pupils arriving after this time will be marked as late which will have an affect the pupils attendance percentage.
We believe that:
- Good Attendance gives children every opportunity to influence their future quality of life and reach their full potential.
- Attendance is closely linked to achievement. The better your child's attendance, the better their grades are!
- Good attendance helps children in developing friendships.
- Punctuality is important. It is habit forming and shows commitment to the importance of working and learning.
A true partnership between home and school is vital to good attendance and we appreciate your support.
Helpful Hints
- Telephone the school on 01843 223989 and press option 1 before 9.30 am to report your child absence every day your child is absent.
- Notify the school well in advance of any medical or dental appointments.
- Respond to school enquiries about unexplained absence.
- Provide evidence, such as medicine provided by the Doctor and medical appointment cards.
- Keep us well informed of any on-going medical conditions your child has that may affect their attendance.
- Make sure you have alternative arrangements for a friend or relative to get your child to and from school in an emergency.
- If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, bring them in anyway. They often perk up during the day, but we will contact you if they do not.
- Ensure your child is not late for school and arrives in time for registration, by 8.45am when early morning activities are set in class.
- Please contact the school's attendance officer, on 01843 223989 for any queries or further support.
Top Tips for Improving Punctuality
Why is punctuality so important?
- It’s a GREAT START to the day, putting your child in a positive frame of mind to make the most of the day’s learning and activities.
- Punctuality is linked to good attendance, and as we know, good attenders have more opportunities, more support and therefore achieve more!
- Lateness causes embarrassment to your child, and disruption to the rest of the class.
- It sets your child up for their future – whether it is college, work or university, they could lose their place or lose their job if they think it’s ok to be late.
Drapers Mill's top tips:
- Get to know your child’s school timetable – work together to make sure they have everything ready the night before e.g. books, PE or swimming kit, uniform.
- Keep shoes and coats near the front door so you don’t have to look for them in the morning.
- Get your child into the habit of doing their homework in the evening – instead of in the morning at the breakfast table.
- Make sure your child has a good bedtime routine so they get plenty of rest and don’t struggle out of bed in the morning – not a bad idea for parents either.
- Invest in a good, reliable alarm clock – make setting it part of your child’s bedtime routine.
- Try to ensure your child has a good breakfast to set them up for the day – we have a super breakfast club you could use if you need to be at work early.
- Have a backup plan for getting your child to school in case something crops up – friends or family, perhaps neighbours who are taking their children to school anyway.
- Allow lots of time for your journey.
- If you are finding it difficult to get your child to school on time, talk to us and ask for help.