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Local Governance

Drapers Mills is an academy as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT).

TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010.  Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation.  TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies

Scheme of Delegation

Constitution of the Drapers Mills Local Governing Body

Governors Impact Statement

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

Please click here to meet the TKAT Trustees

Please click here to link to Governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests.

Please click here for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.


The Local Governing Body is committed to TKAT’s mission: Inspiring Learners, Changing Lives

Our vision is to put children first to build a better world.

We will ensure that the life chances of all pupils in our Academies are significantly improved as a result of our educational provision.

We will provide outstanding teaching and learning to enable all children – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds - to reach their potential and meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.


The Purpose of the Joint Governing Body is to:

Provide strategic leadership and overview of educational provision through challenge and support of senior leaders

Ensure that the Academy’s long term vision reflects the needs of its community beyond current post holders and is in line with TKAT’s vision and values.

Provide strategic overview of financial management and other key Governance responsibilities

Ensure equality of opportunity and provision across all schools – fair capacity sharing and ensuring no school is disadvantaged


Following the meeting of the Joint Local Governing Body on February 9th 2022, it was decided to end the Joint Local Governance Structure for TKAT schools within Thanet.

From 9th February 2022, there is a single Local Governing Body for each school.

There is a Chair and Vice-Chair for each school’s Local Governing Body.

The Chair is the same for all five schools.

Governors on each school Local Governing Body will have specific responsibilities, including: Finance, Standards and Assessment, Behaviour and Welfare, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, SEND, EYFS and Leadership and Management.

Governance Structure

The composition of each Local Governing Body is up to 9 governors:

  • The Chair (Appointed)
  • 2 Parent Governors (elected by parents)
  • 2 Staff Governors (elected by staff)
  • Headteacher (ex-offico)
  • Up to 3 other appointed Governors

Other members of the School’s leadership team may join meetings as appropriate. ​

Our pay committee officially approves teacher and admin staff pay, with advice from our Headteacher. 

The membership of the pay committee is reviewed and approved annually at a governor's meeting.

The pay committee is made up of our Chair of Governors and one other nominated governor.

Our Chair of Governors contact details:

Mr R. Silk

c/o Drapers Mills Primary Academy
St Peters Footpath

Draper Mills Governance Committee

We currently have 7 governors:

  • 3 Appointed Governors
  • 2 Staff Governors
  • 1 Parent Governor
  • 1 Executive Headteacher

Chair of Governors: Roger Silk

Vice Chair: TBC


Name (Date first appointed)

Role (elected by)

Term of office

Declaration of interests, including business interests to Aug '24

Meetings attended '23/24

Roger Silk


Chair - Appointed Governor (Governing body)

12.06.24-12.06.28 *Chair of Directors at Westgate and Birchington Golf Club from 01.04.19
*Governor at Life Skills Manor school for Autism from 01.01.21
*Chair of Governors at Priory Infant School from 01.07.22
*Secretary at KCB Thanet from 24.03.14


David Little


Parent Governor (Parents)




Jenni Richards (07.03.24)

Executive Headteacher

Ex offico



Roxxi West


Staff Governor (Staff)




Joanne Wetherall (02.07.24) Appointed Governor (Governing Body) 02.07.24-02.07.28 *Parent of Miss West who works for Drapers Mills Primary Academy since 24.07.87 100%
Stirling Joy (02.12.24) Appointed Governor (Governing Body) 02.12.24-02.12.28 None N/A
Georgina Gothard (04.12.24) Staff Governor (Staff) 04.12.24-04.12.28 *Partner of Jack Hearn who works for Drapers Mills Primary Academy since 01.02.19 N/A


Governor Resignations

Name (Date first appointed)

Role (elected by)

Term of office

Declaration of interests, including business interests to Aug '24

Meetings attended '23/24

Date of resignation

Jack Packman (06.07.21)

Appointed Governor (governing body)


*Governor at Northdown Primary School from 26.11.21 (Declaration including transactions up to 31st Aug 22) N/A


Stirling Joy (13.01.20) Staff governor (Staff) 11.01.24-11.01.28 None 75% 31.07.24
Lisa Davies (16.05.23) Parent Governor (parents) 16.05.23-16.05.27 None 100% 05.11.24