Term Dates


A full list of 2024/25 diary dates can be found here


Term 1
2nd September Inset Day
3rd September Inset Day
4th September Start of Term 1
4th October  Inset Day
25th October End of Term 1
Term 2
4th November Start of Term 2
20th December End of Term 2
Term 3
6th January Inset Day
7th January Start of Term 3
14th February End of Term 3
Term 4
24th February Start of Term 4
4th April End of Term 4
Term 5
22nd April Start of Term 5
5th May Bank Holiday
23rd May End of Term 5
Term 6
2nd June Inset Day
3rd June Start of Term 6
4th July Inset Day
11th July Inset Day
22nd July End of Term 6